7<\/td> | Bu\u011fra Simsek, Sitki UsLu One-Dimensional Aerodynamic Heating and Ablation Prediction, Journal of Aerospace Engineering 32(4), July 2019<\/td><\/tr> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6<\/td> | Bu\u011fra Simsek, Sitki UsLu and Mehmet Ali Ak, Validation Of Aerodynamic Heating Prediction Tool, J. of Thermal Science and Technology, 40, 53-63, 2020<\/td><\/tr> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5<\/td> | Ahmet Topal, Onder Turan, Sitki UsLu and M. Ziya Sogut Exergy Analysis of an Air-Blasted Combustor: An Application for Atmospheric Test Rig Condition, Int. Journal of Exergy, Vol.20, No.1, 2016<\/td><\/tr> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4<\/td> | Ahmet Topal, Onder Turan, and S\u0131tk\u0131 Uslu Design, Manufacturing and Rig Test of a Small Turbojet Engine Combustor with Airblast Atomizer International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2015<\/td><\/tr> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3<\/td> | Ender HEPKAYA, Salih KARAASLAN, S\u0131tk\u0131 USLU, Nureddin DINLER and Nuri YUCEL A Case Study of Combustion Modelling In A Spark Ignition Engine Using Coherent Flame Model, 2014.<\/td><\/tr> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2<\/td> | Sitki UsLu, Thomas H\u00fcttl and Klaus Heinig Simulation of Noise Generation due to Blade Row Interaction in a High Speed Compressor. Aerospace Science and Technology, vol.8, pp.299-306, 2004.<\/td><\/tr> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1<\/td> | H.G. Weller, S. Uslu, A.D. Gosman, R. Maly, R. Herweg and B. Heel Prediction of combustion in homogenous spark-ignition engines. Proceedings of International Symposium COMODIA 94, pp.163-169, C94_P163, 1994<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>Conference Papers<\/span><\/h2>36<\/td> | \u00c7a\u011fda\u015f Cem Ergin, Baran \u0130per, ve S\u0131tk\u0131 Uslu Serbest D\u00f6nmeli Y\u00fcksek \u0130rtifa Ko\u015fullar\u0131nda Bir Turbojet Motorunun Yeniden Tutu\u015fma Karakteristi\u011finin Hesaplamal\u0131 Ak\u0131\u015fkanlar Dinami\u011fi \u0130le \u0130ncelenmesi, UHUK 2020, 8. Ulusal Havac\u0131l\u0131k ve Uzay Konferans\u0131, T\u00fcrk Hava Kurumu \u00dcniversitesi Ankara<\/td><\/tr> | 35<\/td> | Baran \u0130per, \u00c7a\u011fda\u015f Cem Ergin ve S\u0131tk\u0131 Uslu Bir Turbojet Motorda Yakit P\u00fcsk\u00fcrtme Sisteminin Yanma Odasi \u00c7iki\u015f Radyal ve Genel Sicaklik Da\u011filim Fakt\u00f6rleri \u00dcst\u00fcndeki Etkilerinin \u0130ncelenmesi, UHUK 2020, 8. Ulusal Havac\u0131l\u0131k ve Uzay Konferans\u0131, T\u00fcrk Hava Kurumu \u00dcniversitesi Ankara<\/td><\/tr> | 34<\/td> | Baran \u0130per, \u00c7a\u011fda\u015f Cem Ergin, Burak Cenik, Tacettin Utku S\u00fcer and Sitki UsLu Investigation of the Effects of Lobe Number and Configuration on Mixing Performance in Lobed Mixer, AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2020 Forum, August 24-28 2020, https:\/\/doi.org\/10.2514\/6.2020-3778<\/td><\/tr> | 33<\/td> | Tacettin Utku Suer, Burak Cenik and Sitki UsLu Regenerative Cooling Of A Liquid Rocket Engine Walls Using CFD-CHT Modelling, 10th Ankara International Aerospace Conference (AIAC), 18-20 September 2019 - METU, Ankara Turkey<\/td><\/tr> | 32<\/td> | Burak Cenik, Tacettin Utku Suer, and Sitki UsLu Atomization And Combustion Characteristics Of Impinging Injectors In Liquid Rocket Engines, 10th Ankara International Aerospace Conference (AIAC), 18-20 September 2019 - METU, Ankara Turkey<\/td><\/tr> | 31<\/td> | Mustafa Ozcatalbas, Bulent Acar and Sitki UsLu Aeroelastic Anaylsis Of A Missile Canard With Free-Play Non-Linearity, 10th Ankara International Aerospace Conference (AIAC), 18-20 September 2019 - METU, Ankara Turkey<\/td><\/tr> | 30<\/td> | Emre Yurekli and Sitki UsLu Development Of A Simulation Program For Natural Gas Pipeline System Design With A Graphical User Interface, ULIBTK\u201919 22th Congress of Thermal Sciences and Technology 11-14 September 2019, KOCAEL\u0130<\/td><\/tr> | 29<\/td> | Yucel Saygin, Sitki UsLu Comparison of RANS and LES on Gas Turbine Combustor Liner Temperature using Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) Methodology, The International Society for Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), September 2017, Manchester<\/td><\/tr> | 28<\/td> | Tekin Aksu, Sitki UsLu Large-Eddy Simulation of a Dual-Mode Scramjet Combustor Using non-Adiabatic Flamelet Modeling, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2017<\/td><\/tr> | 27<\/td> | Yucel Saygin, Sitki UsLu Effect of Radiation on Gas Turbine Combustor Liner Temperature with Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) Methodology, 52nd AIAA\/SAE\/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, July 2016<\/td><\/tr> | 26<\/td> | Bertan \u00d6zkan, Sitki UsLu Development of a Pressure Based, Unstructured, GPU Accelerated CFD Solver for Compressible Reacting Flows at all MACH Numbers, July 2018, Barcelona Spain<\/td><\/tr> | 25<\/td> | Ozan Can Kocaman, Tekin Aksu and Sitki UsLu Large-Eddy Simulation of a Full Annular RQL Combustion Chamber & Fuel Distribution Effects on the Combustor Exit Temperature Profile, 52nd AIAA\/SAE\/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, July 2016<\/td><\/tr> | 24<\/td> | Ozan Can Kocaman, Sitki UsLu Large Eddy Simulation of a Reverse Flow RQL Combustor with Non-Adiabatic Flamelet Combustion Model, The International Society for Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), September 2017, Manchester<\/td><\/tr> | 23<\/td> | Ozan Can Kocaman, Tekin Aksu and Sitki Uslu Large-Eddy Simulation of a Full Annular RQL Combustion Chamber : Fuel Distribution Effects on the Combustor Exit Temperature Profile, 52nd AIAA\/SAE\/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Propulsion and Energy Forum, July 2016<\/td><\/tr> | 22<\/td> | Bugra S\u0130MSEK, Bay\u0131nd\u0131r KURAN, Mehmet Ali AK, Sitki USLU Aerodynamic Heating Prediction Tool for a Supersonic Vehicle for Conceptual Design Phase, AIAA Aviation, 13-17 June 2016, Washington, D.C., 46th AIAA Thermophysics Conference<\/td><\/tr> | 21<\/td> | Yucel Saygin, Ozan Can Kocaman and Sitki Uslu Effect of Radiation on Gas Turbine Combustor Liner Temperature with Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) Methodology, 52nd AIAA\/SAE\/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Propulsion and Energy Forum, July 2016<\/td><\/tr> | 20<\/td> | G\u00f6rkem \u00d6ztarl\u0131k, Sitki Uslu, Laurent Selle, Thierry Poinsot Effect of hydrogen enrichment on combustion properties of methane\/air flames, International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation, 29 May - 1 June, 2016, Istanbul, TURKEY, ISSA-2016-000<\/td><\/tr> | 19<\/td> | Firat Kiyici, Tekin Aksu and Sitki Uslu Design of a High Pressure Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane with Effective Film Cooling System on Leading Edge<\/td><\/tr> | 18<\/td> | Hasan Basar Bolat and Sitki USLU Investigation of the effect of co\/counter configurations of a double swirler airblast atomizer \u0131n an annular turbojet combustor with computational fluid dynamics, AIAA 51st AIAA\/ASME\/SAE\/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference Orlando, Fl<\/td><\/tr> | 17<\/td> | Hasan Ba\u015far BOLAT ve S\u0131tk\u0131 UsLu Y\u00f6nde\u015f ve Ters Ak\u0131\u015fl\u0131 Hava Par\u00e7alamal\u0131 Yak\u0131t-Hava P\u00fcsk\u00fcrt\u00fcc\u00fcl\u00fc Bir Yanma Odas\u0131n\u0131n Karakteristiklerinin Belirlenmesi, V. Ulusal Havac\u0131l\u0131k ve Uzay Konferans\u0131, 2014<\/td><\/tr> | 16<\/td> | Ugurtan Demirtas and Sitki UsLu Optimization and Design Tool Development of the Heating System In Military Vehicles, 20. Ulusal Is\u0131 Bilimi ve Tekni\u011fi Kongresi, 2-5 Eyl\u00fcl 2015<\/td><\/tr> | 15<\/td> | Ahmet Topal, Sitki UsLu, Onder Turan and M. Ziya S\u00f6\u011f\u00fct Effect of Exit Temperature On The Energy\/Exergy Efficiencies of A Turbojet Engine Combustor. International Conference on Clean Energy 2014.<\/td><\/tr> | 14<\/td> | Ahmet Topal, C\u0131\u015fku \u00c7atori, Sitki UsLu, Onur Tuncer Exit Temperature Profile Measurement and CFD Comparisons on Small Scale Turbojet Combustor with Air Blast A<\/td><\/tr> | 13<\/td> | F\u0131rat K\u0131y\u0131c\u0131, Bertan \u00d6zkan, S\u0131tk\u0131 Uslu D\u00fc\u015f\u00fck Bypass Oranl\u0131 S\u00fcpersonik Turbofan Motor Tasar\u0131m\u0131, V. Ulusal Havac\u0131l\u0131k ve Uzay Konferans\u0131, 2014.<\/td><\/tr> | 12<\/td> | Ahmet Topal, S\u0131tk\u0131 UsLu and \u00d6nder Turan Gaz T\u00fcrbini Yanma Odas\u0131 Tasar\u0131m Metodolojisi, V. Ulusal Havac\u0131l\u0131k ve Uzay Konferans\u0131, 2014.<\/td><\/tr> | 11<\/td> | Ahmet Topal, Co\u015fku \u00c7atori, L\u00fctfiye \u00c7a\u011fan, S\u0131tk\u0131 Uslu, \u00d6nder Turan and Altu\u011f Pi\u015fkin One-dimensional Heat Transfer Analysis and Experimental Investigation of a Gas Turbine Combustor, CONV-14: Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, Cesme-Turkey, 2014.<\/td><\/tr> | 10<\/td> | Mehmet Burak SOLMAZ, S\u0131tk\u0131 USLU, O\u011fuz UZOL Unsteady RANS for Simulation of High Swirling Non-Premixed Methane-Air Flame, AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, 2014.<\/td><\/tr> | 9<\/td> | Ahmet Topal, S\u0131tk\u0131 UsLu and \u00d6nder Turan A Design Tool for the Prelimenary Analysis of Gas Turbine Combustor, 7th Ankara International Aerospace Conference (AIAC), Ankara, 2011.<\/td><\/tr> | 8<\/td> | Topal, E. Celik, H. Battaloglu, S. Uslu Design of an Atmospheric Combustor Test Rig for Small Aero Engine Applications, 21st International Symposium on Air breathing Engines (ISABE), Busan, 2013.<\/td><\/tr> | 7<\/td> | E. Celik, H. Battaloglu, A. Topal, S. Uslu Reacting CFD Simulations through a Small Turbojet Combustor with Pre-Filming Air-Blast Atomizer, 21st International Symposium on Air breathing Engines (ISABE), Busan, 2013.<\/td><\/tr> | 6<\/td> | Halit Tolga Erken, Haydar Battaloglu, Sitki Uslu Numer\u0131cal S\u0131mulat\u0131on of Turbulent Flow Combust\u0131on in Scramjet Geometr\u0131es, 6th Ankara International Aerospace Conference (AIAC), Ankara, 2011.<\/td><\/tr> | 5<\/td> | Ender Celik, Sitki Uslu, Ahmet Topal Numerical Simulation of the Reacting Flow through the Combustor of a Small Scale Turboprop Engine, 6th Ankara International Aerospace Conference (AIAC), Ankara, 2011.<\/td><\/tr> | 4<\/td> | S. Uslu Numerical simulation of an Industrial Fuel Injector for Lean Stoichiometry. 17. Ulusal Is\u0131 Bilimi ve Tekni\u011fi Kongresi, Cumhuriyet \u00dcni., Sivas, 24-27 Haziran 2009.<\/td><\/tr> | 3<\/td> | Sitki UsLu, Thomas H\u00fcttl and Klaus Heinig Simulation of Noise Generation due to Blade Row Interaction in a Low Pressure High Speed Co<\/td><\/tr> | 2<\/td> | R. Sanatian, S. Alizadeh, F. Lange and S. Uslu Simulation of WUA-CFD test cases using Star-CD thermofluids analysis code. WUA-CFD Se<\/td><\/tr> | 1<\/td> | R. Benodekar, R. Issa, R. Sanatian and S. Uslu CFD Biathlon: Two turbulent flow simulations by the Star-CD code. 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