Principal Investigator
Sıtkı Uslu
Asociate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
TOBB University of Economics & Technology
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College of Science and Tech., United Kingdom, 1993
M.Sc.Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 1986
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Uludağ University, Turkey, 1982
Work Experience
- MTU Aero Engines (Germany) R&D Engineer
- Daimler-Benz (Germany) R&D Engineer
- Computational Dynamics Ltd. (United Kingdom) Engineer
- Imperial College of Science and Tech. Postdoctoral Researcher
- Gazi University Research & Teaching Assistant
Current Ph.D. Students
Research Interest
Burak Cenik
Research & Teaching Assistant
M.Sc.Mechanical Engineering, TOBB University of Economics & Technology, Turkey, 2019
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, TOBB University of Economics & Technology, Turkey, 2016
- Sprays and Atomization
- Combustion
- Liquid Rocket Engines
Current M.Sc. Students
Research Interest
Baran İper
Research & Teaching Assistant
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, TOBB University of Economics & Technology, Turkey, 2018
- Internal Combustion Engine
- Gas Turbine Combustion
- Propulsion Components
Çağdaş Cem Ergin
Research & Teaching Assistant
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, TOBB University of Economics & Technology, Turkey, 2018
- Relight at High Altitude
- Combustion instabilities
- LES simulations of turbulent combustion
Current Job
Buğra Şimşek
Ph.D. 2020
Thesis: Investigation of Aerodynamic Heating and Ablation in Thermal Protection Systems
Tacettin Utku Süer
M.Sc. 2019
Thesis: Regeneratıve Cooling of a Liquid Rocket Engine Using Computational Flud Dynamics and Conjugate Heat Transfer
Bertan Özkan
M.Sc. 2018
Thesis: Development of a Three Dimentional, Unstructured, GPU Accelerated, Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Solver for Compressible Reacting Flows
Tekin Aksu
M.Sc. 2018
Thesis: The Effects of Turbulence and Combustion Models on Supersonic Combustion Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Ozan Can Kocaman
M.Sc. 2018
Thesis: Investigation of the Non-Uniform Fuel Distribution Effect on a Full Annular RQL Combustion Chamber Outlet Temperature Profile Using Large Eddy Simulation
Sema Hanife Sarı
M.Sc. 2017
Thesis: Combustion Characteristics of a Tubular Combustor using Reacting Computational Fluid Dynamics for Methane Diffusion Flame
Yücel Sayğın
M.Sc. 2017
Thesis: Estimation of the Effect of Radiation Heat Transfer in a Gas Turbine Combustor Wall Temperature with Computational Fluid Dynamics – Conjugate Heat Transfer Methodology
Mahmut Doğrudil
M.Sc. 2016
Thesis: Computations of an Aero Engine Gas Turbine Combustor Liner Temperature Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Conjugate Heat Transfer Methodology
Serhan Dönmez
M.Sc. 2016
Thesis: Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Ignition Characteristics of a Reversed Flow Combustion Chamber with Large Eddy Simulation Approach
Hasan Başar Bolat
M.Sc. 2015
Thesis: Investigation of Co And Counter Configurations of a Double Swirler Airblast Atomizer in an Annular Combustor with Computational Fluid Dynamics
Ender Çelik
M.Sc. 2012
Thesis: Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Spray and Combustion Characteristics of a Combustion Chamber with Prefilming Air-Blast Atomizer